Monday, April 20, 2009

Please help, wisdom teeth, pain!!?

i%26#039;m 14 years old and my parents think my wisdom teeth are coming in. anyway, i think the bar behind my back teeth is loose too. anyway, we cant get me into the dentist till monday,maybe not even till friday. but i cant stand the pain anylonger. i%26#039;m about ready to ask my parents to take me to the ER so then can give me som pain meds or somthing. i%26#039;ve taken tylanol and advil and neither has worked. please, what can i do to get rid of the pain?

Please help, wisdom teeth, pain!!?
The third molars usually erupt from 17 to 23 years of age. You are a little young for this, but it not impossible. Are you in ortho? You mentioned a bar being loose, if part of your orthodontic appliance is loose, then this is most likely the cause of your discomfort.

Dental discomfort is usually best relieved with Advil or Motrin 400-600mg. These anti-inflammatory medications work to reduce swelling which is the major cause of dental pain.

The ER will just refer you to your dentist or orthodontist for treatment. If you are having this much discomfort call your dentist or orthodontist office, they have an emergency number or an answering service. The dentist or orthodontist will see you on the weekend for emergency problems.

Additional information: If your parents 3rd molars didn%26#039;t erupt until they were in their 30%26#039;s, then genetically you are predisposition to have yours erupt later also. You probably are experiencing some pain from these teeth developing from their bud stage. Try not to chew anything hard, crunchy or any tough foods for a few days and continue taking Advil or Motrin for pain. You don%26#039;t want to over stress your jaw area during this growth period either. You can try using moist hot compresses or ice packs placed on your jaw area, which ever one relieves the pain and feels better to you right now. Within a few days you should be feeling relief.
Reply:i%26#039;ve been through that, and yeah its painful. but it%26#039;s normal. its just another tooth growing in. and since its growing, it%26#039;ll be pushing your teeth resulting in your bracket to feel loose. i think you should get your teeth checked out and see how soon you can get your wisdom tooth removed because the longer you wait, the worse the impact would be. ( because all those years of braces you deff. dont want it to go to waste. ) the procedure is about an hour long. but yeah, take some ibuprofen. you can get that at your local pharmacist. make sure to wait 6 - 8 hours before you take any more of that !
Reply:my dentisit said to take 2 tylenol or ibeproffine a day until the pain goes. He also said to apply heat or ice around the mouth
Reply:until you can get some professional help...use adult straighth ora jel.....helps numb the area
Reply:i would use oralgel or a tooth numbing medication that is over the counter, also if you put a wash cloth in the dryer then put it on your cheek that the pain is on, the warmth of the towel will help.
Reply:Your dentist should be covered for emergencies. Fourteen is a bit early for your wisdom teeth to be coming in.

You should be looked at by your dentist.

Steve Bornfeld, DDS

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