Sunday, August 2, 2009

Best over the counter pain relief for teeth?

I just had my wisdom teeth out, the tylonel 3 they gave me doesnt help with pain and makes me a bit neautious.

What type of over the counter pain reliever is best (if its blood thinning will it interfere with the blood clots that have to be there because of the wisdom teeth removal? I thought tylonol was blood thining so why would they give me tylonel 3?)

Best over the counter pain relief for teeth?
Ibuprofen is also very good for dental pain, being both a pain killer and an anti-inflammatory, and it does not cause blood thinning. Tylenol can cause very slight blood thinning, but only if taken at very high doses regularly. Aspirin is the major over the counter pain killer that causes blood thinning, so that would be the one for you to avoid. Also ice packs, or bags of frozen peas, can help with the pain and swelling.
Reply:The best pain reliever for mouth pain that I have ever used is Advil. I have used it after mouth surgery twice, and after root canals...I swear by it!!

office supply

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