Sunday, August 2, 2009

In Pain from wisdom teeth......?

My wisdom teeth are coming in.. on one side the tooth has broke threw the gums and now its ripping my rums. I have already called a oral surgen but its still a week untill i get my x-rays done. Im going on a weekend vaca and need some thing STRONG to help the pain. What can i use??? Please help!!!!

In Pain from wisdom teeth......?
You should remove some or all of your wisdom teeth before they grow.
Reply:you will have to leave it alone. no spicy foods. there's really not much you can do.
Reply:if they are impacted the only relief you are gonna get is to have them removed, maybe the doctor/oral surgeon can prescribe you some pain medication for your vacation, just call them and ask.
Reply:ther isnt really n e cream u can use for it....... my frnd got hers removed jus a few days ago........ so jus hold on till ur appointment :-) it will get better

acne scar

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