Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can I lessen the pain caused by teeth spacers?

I just had some teeth spacers put in my mouth, 4 on the bottom (2 on each side) and 4 on the top set of teeth (same, 2 on each side). I've taken tylenol but I continue to have a dull ache in my mouth and it is difficult for me to eat as it really hurts my teeth. I was wondering if there was anything I can do to lessen the pain or at least make it more tolerate at the moment while eating, and just in general. Thanks for your help in advance!

How can I lessen the pain caused by teeth spacers?
Tylenol really isn't all that useful for inflammation. Instead, take a dose of ibuprofen (it's ok to take since you're not actually ill). In addition, rinse your mouth with warm salty water to help ease the pain and lessen the swelling. If it gets too bad, contact your dentist or doctor to see if you can get a couple of days' worth of a pain medication. Spacers are miserable, no question, but at least they're only temporary!
Reply:eat very soft foods like mashed taters and a lot of liquids for pain relieving take pain killers such as, Tylenol or Advil
Reply:go to a gnc store or . look for pure white willow bark. it is the only know pain killer in nature that is non- addictive. i have meds that include this ingridient because of my knees. it's great..... i'm not recomending it, but, one over the counter drug that has it is " stackers 2". you will be gettin a butt load of caffine with those also. i would look into alternatives if thats not something you need.
Reply:go to the dentist and ask him to fix the spacer because it's not suppose to have inflammation
Reply:when I had spacers, I took a good brand of paper towel and rolled it and folded up and stuck one in between the top row and bottom row on each side to bite on and then I used one paper towel split in half and folded it and stuck them inside my jaws and slept like that. The pain wasn't totally gone but I could eat and after about 2 days of that the pain was gone.


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