Friday, July 31, 2009

Bottom teeth fillings causing pain in top fillings.?

I have 3 fillings on the top and bottom teeth. I got the top fillings 3 weeks ago and it didn't hurt. But, when I got my bottom fillings last week my top fillings started hurting at random times of the day. Usually the pain wouldn't really bother me but, the pain is coming when I am asleep. So it wakes me up and I usually have to take tylenol and wait until it took affect and go back to sleep. But that usually takes about and hour. Does anyone know what the Problem is?

Bottom teeth fillings causing pain in top fillings.?
It could be that maybe the dentist didn't adjust the hight of the fillings correctly and when you bite down your bite is not the same. Go back to the dentist and have him check it out with "blue bitting paper".

If that's the problem the dentist will just sand the filling a little to get a better contact. I've seen it happen lotsa times.

Good Luck!
Reply:Dah .... go see a Dentist.


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