Saturday, July 25, 2009

Teeth pain from spacers.?

Me and my little sister got back from the dentist yesterday after having spacers put in, she's eleven and I'm almost fifteen, and we're both in excrutating pain. I had eight put in and she had four, and the dentist had said it wouldn't hurt but me and her are in allot of pain, and I wanted to know some ways we could diminish the pain. Ice seems to make it tighter, tylenol and advil don't work, heat only works a very little bit and it really hurts allot, so please help..

Teeth pain from spacers.?
spacers hurt like crap but they say that they are the worst thing about getting braces ect.. i only had 6
Reply:My brothers teeth ended up getting yanked out by spacers that were put into weak roots in his gums. Take tylenol and if its still not better in 24 hrs call the dentist. Ibeprofen worked for him- he was 11 too
Reply:I had spacers put in right before I got my braces, and they hurt too, but the only thing you can do is take some ibuprofen, and the pain will go away in a day or two
Reply:When I was younger, I had four of them put onto my back molars. My dentist had given Tylenol have to ask a doctor or dentist for a perscription, but it really helped me...And if you cannot get the perscription, then I recommend taking two or three Ibuprohen. But don't worry they stop hurting after a while anyway...


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