Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tingling and pain from teeth or irritated gums?

I have had unexplained tingling and pain coming from my gums and or teeth. I flossed and brushed last night and then the pain and tingling started and its driving me nuts. What could be causing this. please help.

Tingling and pain from teeth or irritated gums?
good question, really! -- jas
Reply:You could have a case of gingivitis. Go to your dentist and have him check. I have had this happen, especially after flossing. My dentist said it was gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gums. My gums would also bleed a little. He gave me a special mouthwash and it helped. Good luck!

try rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide or salted water

those are old home remedies


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