Saturday, July 25, 2009

What is another solution for teeth pain / other that dentists ?!?

The pain is killing me .. but I don’t like going to the dentist !!

Any suggestions for another long-term solution ??

Note: I am currently using panadol extra .. but its very temporary solution

What is another solution for teeth pain / other that dentists ?!?
Is it a cavity? I have found that if you have a cavity that is bother you, take some ground cloves, mix them with liquid ambesol or kanka or something along those lines. Mix it until its pasty like, and take a q tip and put it on the tooth, the ambesol numbs it and the ground cloves backs the nerve off. I have tried it and it does work. or did for me..
Reply:If you have pain in your teeth, there is no other solution than at least meeting with a dentist. If it is something simple like you are grinding your teeth, then no big deal. If it is something more serious like a cavity, ignoring it can only cause it to get worse. There are no cures for a cavity other than removing the decay and filling in the hole. If the pain is unbearable, it is quite possibly an infected nerve and it is extremely important that you see a dentist right away. If the tooth hurts more when you put heat on it or eat/drink hot things, then it is an infected nerve. If you ignore it, or just medicate it with pain relievers, you risk infecting the teeth around it and having the infection deteriorate your bones. The infection is in close proximity to your brain, i would not take it lightly.

Find a dentist you like, get to know them before you have them start working on you. There really are nice dentists out there!!
Reply:I'm sorry baby but there is no long term for dental pain. Using pain meds is temporary. Oragel is temporary. It all is. Only a dentist can get rid of the cause and then the pain. So sorry. Dentists have came a long way. It really doesn't hurt as bad. Also, they have proven that bacteria from gums and teeth are found in heart attack victims heart muscle making it likely that that bacteria causes heart disease. And they have also shown that teeth that are infected can infect the brain. It is a fact and you really can't let it go on and on. Medications have improved and they have no pain dentists now. Most communities have low to no cost clinics too if your budget is too low to afford one. Call Social services to find out about that. Good luck. the best solution fot teeth pain


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